We all feel it at some points in our lives.
And no matter how hard we try to avoid it, it still comes no matter what we do. We all fall into a slump. Nothing makes us happy anymore. We lose sight of our dreams and of reality. Our true self gets locked away and everything we used to feel becomes numbed. Our friends notice a change in us. Our family begins to question our attitude and start to ask, “What’s wrong?” Nothing’s wrong. An optimistic slump is normal. I’ve had days when I’ve felt this way. Whatever I try to do, I am always unable to force myself back into reality. I do not even understand why I am so sad and depressed. On days like these, we all try to fake a smile and trudge through the day not trying to enjoy it, just trying to make it through. But is a slump as bad as we make it out to be?
A slump gets us thinking. We think much deeper than we normally would be. We start to wonder about our future, our relationships, the choices we have made, and on life in general. So what is so bad about that? Everyone needs time to really sit back and put the puzzle pieces of their life back in the correct places. No one can truly go on being optimistic forever without taking breaks to refuel. Our inspiration can run out; nor are any of our feelings limitless. Sooner or later, our feelings need to make a pit stop. Our check engine light does not only turn on when something bad happens physically, but also emotionally. Once the slump ends (and it always does end), you will feel relieved, but also revitalized.
In our fast-paced world we all should be grateful for a break. So, don’t be worried when you start to fall into a slump, unless of course, the slump does not go away after a long while. It’s your body’s way of telling you to slow down and take a very much-needed break. You’ve worn out your resources and need to go on a supply run. A slump gets you closer to yourself than anything else can. So, use that chance you have to look deep inside and try to understand your true self. When you know who you truly are, your confidence will grow and you’ll be able to be yourself, not anybody else.
And at the end of your slump,
Get off of your rump,
And take the next jump into life.
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